Ask Dr. Klute | Why do I have to have the air puff test at my eye exams? I can’t stand it!
Ask Dr. Klute | Why do I have to have the air puff test at my eye exams? I can’t stand it!
Guess what? We don’t like it either!
This is why we don’t use it anymore. The “air puff test”, as it is commonly referred to, checks the pressure inside of the eye. It is a screening test for a blinding condition called glaucoma. One of the main risk factors for glaucoma is high pressure in the eyes. So it is definitely an important component of the annual eye exam. However, the “air puff test” is just one of several ways to check eye pressure. However, it is very susceptible to errors and patients despise it.
At Good Life Eyecare, we use either the “gold standard” pain-free way by instilling a fast-acting anesthetic drop and checking with a microscope. Or most times, we use a device that gently touches the eye with a tiny probe. The sensation is nothing more than like a feather touch if it is felt at all.
We’d be happy to show you an “air puff test” free eye exam. Schedule an appointment online at or call 402.697.5122.