Contact Lens Discomfort
You’ve probably had days where your contact lenses are so uncomfortable you can only wear them for a few hours.
Or you’ve gotten to the point where you can no longer wear contact lenses because your eyes feel too dry or the lens is moving too much.
Whether your eye doctor keeps trying new lenses with no improvements or you’ve given up, Good Life Eyecare is here to help.
Why? We understand that contact lens discomfort is more likely an eye problem than a contact lens problem.
Most people automatically think there is something wrong with the lenses when they feel discomfort. But more often than not, especially in continuous or chronic discomfort, contact lens discomfort is because of an abnormality of the surface of the eye.
Here are the top 4 reasons for contact lens discomfort based on both clinical experience and academic research:
- Dry Eye. Dry eye is better described as an imbalance of the tears on the surface of the eye and is the number one reason why patients experience uncomfortable contact lenses. Symptoms often include dryness, fluctuating vision, and burning.
- Allergies. Allergy issues can be seasonal, in the spring or fall, or all year round. Symptoms often include itching and lenses needing to be replaced early due to discomfort.
- Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis or GPC. GPC is similar to an allergy and is common in patients who overwear their lenses or who become intolerant of the silicone inside the contact lens. Symptoms include a foreign body sensation, chronic stringy mucous, fluctuating vision, and contact lenses that constantly shift upward on the eye.
- Poorly corrected astigmatism. When patients have astigmatism, large or small amounts, contact lenses have to be uniquely chosen for the patient. Unfortunately, many patients are told they are not good candidates for contact lenses because of their astigmatism. This is not entirely true. There really is a contact lens for nearly every situation these days. Many companies are always expanding their lens parameters and sometimes it takes a specialty, custom-made lens to achieve success.
The good news is all of the above conditions can be managed with success. At Good Life Eyecare, we help you determine what is the root cause of your contact lens discomfort. We want you to keep wearing your contact lenses comfortably for as long as you can.
To learn more and see how we can help you, call us or schedule online with Good Life Eyecare.