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Ask Dr. Klute | Why are my eyes always tired at night?

Ask Dr. Klute | Why are my eyes always tired at night?

You are not alone. Many people come to us because they have similar complaints. The current age of all-day computer use for many people has created an environment that is not too friendly to the eyes.

There could be many reasons or underlying causes for tired eyes at night. To keep it simple, here are the top 3 that come to mind.

The first most likely cause is a change in prescription. Often times minor prescription changes in astigmatism or nearsightedness or farsightedness can cause eye fatigue because the visual system is trying to fight through the blurry vision and becomes tired.

The second most likely cause of feelings of fatigue is dry eye. Research shows that we blink less often while at a computer. Blinking is the mechanism that expresses the oil, a vital component of our tears, out of our eyelid glands. This creates an imbalance of the tears and patients may feel that their eyes are dry, tired, and/or burning.

The third most likely cause is a problem with the aiming or focusing of the eyes. When the eyes are not focusing or aiming efficiently, the brain has to use extra energy to keep them aligned and thus gets worn down and tired.

If you have tired eyes at the end of the day, we would love to help you. Schedule online at www.GoodLifeEyecare.com.

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.