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Ask Dr. Klute | When can kids start wearing contact lenses?

When can kids start wearing contact lenses?

The short answer is… as soon as you (the parent/guardian) and the child are ready.

Many practices hold to a strict age requirement of 12+ for kids and contact lenses. At Good Life Eyecare, we follow the research data. One of the largest, most recent studies on contact lenses and kids showed that children 8-12 years of age were just as successful and even safer wearing contact lenses as children 12-16 years of age.

Does that mean every 8 year old can and should wear contact lenses? Likely not. It really depends upon the child’s maturity and the parent or guardian’s motivation.

Dr. Klute likes to have an honest conversation with the child and the parents about the care needed for contact lens success. It can be decided together what the best options are for each individual child.

If you have any questions about whether your child is ready for contact lenses and/or to understand their options, don’t hesitate to call us at 402-697-5122.

To schedule an appointment, go online at www.GoodLifeEyecare.com

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