We want to welcome Dr. Dara Latner to our Glenwood, IA location!

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Omaha, NE and Glenwood, IA Optometry Services

Good Life Eyecare is a team of eye specialists that will help you keep your eyesight for life. Seeing clearly for life involves more than having the right glasses and contact lenses. It requires care from an eye care professional who focuses on the entire health of the eye, inside and out.

We leverage advanced diagnostic technology to provide modern eye care services, including comprehensive eye exams, vision correction, myopia control, dry eye consultations, and more.

Don’t let dry eyes, glaucoma, progressing nearsightedness, cataracts, and/or lazy eye inhibit you and your family’s ability to live a healthy and productive life. We are here to help you and your whole family, ages 6 months and up!

  • Children 6 months to 6 years old:
    These are the prime years for visual development, and we specialize in pediatric eye care. Make sure your child’s eyes are healthy! Up to 75% of vision problems are not found on school and pediatric screenings!
  • Children 6 years to 18 years old:
    Be confident that your children have been given everything they need to succeed! New contact lens technology shows we can slow down the progression of nearsightedness.
  • Adults aged 19-50:
    Increased screen time can cause headaches, dry eyes, and increase the risk of retinal issues due to nearsightedness. Keep your eyes healthy with early prevention and expert treatment of sight-threatening diseases.
  • Adults aged 51 and up:
    The risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma increases the older we get. Get the expert care and surgical consultation you need to make the best decisions to maintain your eyesight for life.

Schedule an appointment today at our optometrist offices in Omaha, NE and Glenwood, IA, and give your vision the level of care and attention it deserves.